#035 – Taiping Mt. National Forest Recreation Area (NFRA)

There are a total of 19 NFRAs in Taiwan and the roads leading up to some of them are spectacular for mountain scenery. Alishan in Chiayi County at 2,100m is the most famous of these and is covered in the South Approach to Tatajia featured as #006 in this series.

Taiping Mt., located in Yilan County, is the most remote of the NFRAs. The approach is covered in #008 of the Top 100 Climbs which is Yilan to Dayuling. Starting at almost sea level in central Yilan the first 35km has a very mild gradient rising to 313m.

At this point the rider must continue straight on picking up Provincial Highway No. 7A (0km marker on this road). Just one kilometer along this road a bridge over the Lanyang River is crossed. The rider must turn left here to get onto ‘Yilan No. 1 county road. It is very clearly marked as the turn-off for Taiping Mt.

Just 5 kilometers up this road the rider will see a turn off to the right for Jiuzhize Hot Springs which are situated 500 meters above sea level in Taiping Township. A great place to get in for a soak after the ride. From this point, it’s another 15km up to the gate of the NFRA on a steady climb ascending to 1,918m.

This heavily forested road doesn’t offer many mountain views until you are almost at the top, but it is very well-maintained due to its popularity with tourists. There are only two locations in the recreation area offering accommodation to visitors: Taipingshan Villa and Cueifong Villa but these are generally booked up months in advance.

The rider must also be aware that except within the park itself, there are no shops or places to stock up, so be prepared with extra snacks. There are water dispensers in some of the buildings. It is also worth noting that it is not unusual for Taiping Mt. to get snow in winter and during the colder months, extra warm clothing is necessary for the descent.

In addition to its scenic beauty, Taiping Mt. is known for its annual hill climb event. At the end of the paved road, participants are rewarded with the serene beauty of Cueifong Lake, one of the area’s many highlights. This lake, nestled in the heart of Taiping Mt. National Forest Recreation Area, offers a peaceful contrast to the rigorous climb. It is a perfect spot to rest and take in the natural surroundings.

A solid suggestion from a cyclist living in Yilan adds: I would also mention using the south side of the river on your approach to the base of the mountain coming from Luodong. It’s a very scenic road with very little traffic, compared to the opposite side which gets loads of cabbage trucks coming down from Lishan. For those interested in doing this ride from the center of Yilan the out-and-back route covers over 160km depending on your start location, and the overall elevation gain will approach 3000 meters.

Download file: Taiping-Shan.gpx

One Reply to “#035 – Taiping Mt. National Forest Recreation Area (NFRA)”

  1. The road mentioned in the last paragraph, Yilan No. 51 county road, is indeed a better option than the No. 7 to access the Taiping ascent. However, it would be wise to check it before riding. On a couple of occasions that I’ve been in the area that road has been closed for repair.

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