Week 10 - The Way Home

Gap-fill exercise

Fill in all the gaps, then press "Check" to check your answers. Use the "Hint" button to get a free letter if an answer is giving you trouble. You can also click on the "[?]" button to get a clue. Note that you will lose points if you ask for hints or clues!
- Okay, next up we have
Alice Dhawan!

(cheering, applause)

(man coughing)

(crowd murmuring)

- I knew you were just
a one-hit-wonder.

(fire alarm ringing)

- I am so . Just a cliché
late parent here.

What is happening?

- So, no one's been able to
track Alice down.

She bolted from
the scene of the crime.

- Crime... Alice had stage
fright. How is that a crime?

- Well, it isn't, but setting
off the fire alarm is

and it comes with a hefty fine.

- Okay, look, I, uh...
I will pay the fine

and I am prepared to make
another generous

to the school on behalf
of the Dhawan family.

- Brady, seriously, just...
Just stop.

- I agree with your wife.
(both): Ex-wife.

- Sorry. She's been warned.
This is her last strike.

- Ms. Mendoza, please.

- Alice is not welcome back
at this school.
She's out, I'm sorry.

- Alice still isn't answering.

- Yeah, and Charlotte just said
that she and Alice didn't speak
all .

Apparently she's hanging with
a new crowd, so...

- How could you not know that?

- Uh, we both know
that getting anything

out of Alice is challenging.

- Why weren't you there today?

- I was... getting fired.

- You're their best .

- Yeah, but suddenly the paper
is downsizing and I am...

Redundant. It's weird.

- I'm sorry about that, Kat.

But hey, it frees you up for
some homeschooling, right?

- That job...
Was everything to me.

And not all of us have family
to fall back on.

- Come on. I can help you out,
you just have to--

- No, no, please. I... I can't
do that anymore.

Just being in the house.

- Kat, it's still your house.

- No, it's not.

So... Where was Rachel today?

- Um, I told Rachel not to come

because I have some .

Well, we have some news.

Rachel moved in with me.

- I... I didn't, um...

I didn't realize that things
had progressed to that point.

Uh... So, uh...
When are you gonna tell Alice?


(phone chiming)

- It's Rachel. She knows where
Alice is.

- What? Where?

(indistinct chatter)

(loud music playing)

Okay, everybody out.

- You heard her, party's over.
Get out of our house!

- Are you right now?

- Are you? And... Really?
This guy?

- How could you do that to my

- Alice. Those kids
are not your friends.

- They listen to me.
When was the last time that
either of you did that?

- Well, listening
would require talking.


- Hey, Kat. I gotta go.

- Wait, what?
Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait a .
What are you doing?

- Well, I can't stay. I'm doing
court early tomorrow morning

and I should've been
back at the office hours ago.

- But...